Tastes differ

We’re quite opinionated and straightforward in our views. You’ll have to just accept it. We’re not trying to be delicate or polite when we talk about wine we don’t like. This is our standpoint which formed over the years and only became more adamant as the project went on. If we don’t like this particular wine, we’ll just say: “Don’t drink it!” The choice to agree or disagree is always yours.


I’m here for the first time. What can I start with?

Wine ABC. Some things that seem easy actually aren’t. For starters, how do you choose a glass? How do you open a bottle?.. and how do you store wine, if you can’t drink it anymore?

Our video blog. Find out all that we know about true wine after tasting a thousand glasses all over the world.

Drink with us! Join us on our wine tours, tastings and other interesting and enjoyable events.

Notes on wine. Sometimes we don’t have time to make a video, and thus we write down our thoughts and ideas… so that we won’t forget what else we need to make a video about.

What do we drink? We don’t have any secrets, and we’re glad to share our delights, discoveries… and, well, disappointments.

About us. What is this project? Who are we? What are we for? An incredible story of how it all began, with some truth in the mix.

Tours & Tastings

The Wine ABC

Before you start drinking True Wine, you’ll have to familiarise yourself with the basic set of rules and truths. That way you won’t miss anything and you will be able to get full pleasure from drinking wine.